Movement Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

Dr. Frank Skretch is LSVT-certified. Through the LSVT BIG movement program, Dr. Frank will guide a personalized and progressive approach to help patients “recalibrate” their movements and achieve more comfortable, confident motion in everyday life.

Gain back your confidence and independence. 

Are you trying to navigate life with Parkinson’s Disease (PD)? Are you a loved one or caregiver of someone with PD and are recognizing their need for improved independence? Anchor Point Physical Therapy can help. 

How Does Physical Therapy Help Patients with PD? 

Physical therapy can help patients increase mobility, strength, and balance that may be hindering daily activities. This research-backed program improves quality of life and overall movement abilities. It is proven to have lifelong outcomes for those with PD and helps them gain back their confidence and independence.

LSVT BIG Treatment Sessions

The LSVT BIG treatment program is the gold standard movement therapy for patients with PD and will guarantee long-lasting benefits.

It is comprised of a 4-week system that directly combats the progressive movement effects PD has on one’s body. Dr. Frank and Anchor Point PT will provide personal guidance through this effective program and help you do things you didn’t think you could ever do again!